I love the extra time half term brings. The children are past the age of needing to be taken out on trips, and they can usually get themselves out and about if they do decide to emerge from their pits bedrooms. This leaves me free to enjoy a more leisurely morning routine and plenty of time to mess around with fabric. The downside is that when I do venture out of the house, I invariably realise, too late, that I am covered in thread, but hey, I can live with that.
I've been on a bit of a spring cleaning tip with my sewing this week; trying to finish up current projects and clear the decks for some new ideas. Yesterday I tackled my scraps.
It took some doing but after several hours I was covered in thread (again) and I had the luscious pile of selvedges you see above, and my scrap boxes looked lovely and neat.
Large bits all folded neatly and smaller squares and strips all tucked away nicely in ziplock bags. Of course, I forgot to take a before shot, so you will have to trust me when I say this is a HUGE improvement.
And last but by no means least, I have a mountain of strings.
Photo bombing cat for scale.
I know I'm meant to be finishing things, but I definitely have plans for these!