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January 10, 2006



That shawl has been on my 'to do' list for - oh, years, ever since the book came out! I'm OK with feather and fan, it was the middle bit that put me off. What weight yarn are you using, it doesn'tlook like laceweight.


Why oh why do conversations with DHs on a new project always go the same way? They ALWAYS go off on a tangent and like something you have no intention making. Oh well, it keeps us busy doesn't it?


so cool that you're doing a gathering of lace shawl! i have that book and have big plans for the future... love your feather and fan start and looking forward to following your progress here!


I did this one last year, and the end result is well worth it! I can't crochet to save my life, and I managed the chain cast off :)


Oh, I hear you on that Emily Ocker circular cast on. Huh?! Thanks for the link to the good pictures. I think I generally end up doing an i-cord cast on, but I think the Emily Ocker one looks better.

And I'm still chortling over your conversation with Toby!! Hee hee.


I love the idea of a book of the month. I definately have loads of books on my shelf that haven't seen the light of day yet - so may well join you!
Sorry Lauren hasn't got back to Jodie yet - she will soon!


Gorgeous! I love the choice you finally made with Toby's (ahem) help.


Wow. I thought the beginning to the flower basket shawl was hard! I'm glad you found some help on the net- aren't knitters wonderful the way they share information??


you know i am going to keep at you until i manage to completely corrupt you! go flowers, leaves, frost or what ever the bejeezus it is called!


Chris always has a worried look when the camera comes out, and he's stopped reading the blog, as he thinks I humiliate him!
Lovely shawl, I've only knitted the shetland shawl from this book. It's a great idea, this book of the month, and I might join you next month, just need to finish two new things I have to do this month!



Men eh? Well done for tackling it.


Great idea this book of the month. I may just join you. Men huh - hate to say it but mines the same!

Shrinking Violet

Came by your blog by way of Tink's commentor, Chris. I love the conversation you wrote. Sounds so much like me and my husband. Great site!


That's great that you persevered with that cast on and conquered it in the end and the shawl in progress looks wonderful! I've got the Gathering of Lace book on my Wish List and I also like the idea of the book of the month. Too often, I think, we buy books and have a read when we first get them and then put them on the shelf and forget about them. Well, at least I do!


I'm having lots of fun with my Vintage Knits book and the Diamond Stitch sweater. I may pull out the Interweave Knits from last Fall (or was it Winter) with the Shocking Jacket since I already have the Mission Falls wool in stash designated. It would take a chunk out of the stash AND I'd use a magazine I haven't knitted from yet.

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